A former naval base ideal for storage and equipment handling
Our development at Lyness will take advantage of its unique location for storage and handling mooring equipment, chains and cables.
With a 10m quay depth, nestled in the sheltered waters of Scapa Flow, Lyness is currently used for a range of industries, from renewables to aquaculture.
Our development will expand the facilities capacity for current operations in addition to creating the opportunity for new projects. The pier has 20 hectares of land available, including 7 hectares of enterprise area.
Initially, we’ll look to concrete the first 4 hectares of this site to enable further operations, with ample space for multiple users to take advantage of the site.
Developing our storage and logistics facilities at Lyness will allow for accelerated growth of our marine services, as the new location increases capacity for an Orkney offshore wind and marine renewables hub.